Tag: Blog

Weta Workshop Unleashed Pt.1

On Tuesday, June 14 me and my group went on a trip to Weta Workshop in Auckland City. When we arrived we were already excited for the day ahead of us, So when we first entered the Weta Workshop we were already dazzled of the all blacks art. After then our guide came and introduced him self to us and went in this room that was full of boxes and toys and 1 massive box that has a massive creature but we had no idea why we were in this room, but then the guide yelled there is a secret lever that leads you to the room.


Identifying Images

How our robotics class went to Jpeg to Png – Step by Step –
First step we took a photo of our self on google drawing and downloaded it and went on this site called remove.bg. Step 2 you upload the photo of your self and a photo you should pop up with no background then download it. 

-And thats how you go to Jpeg to Png- 

Link my Identifying Images- Link